Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Man In Wheelchair Stops Robbery
THIS IS A SHEEPDOG!!!! Wow if this guy will STAND for whats right, WHY lord WHY wont more people do it??!!! He wasnt video taping to post on twitter, he didnt cower and hide to save his own skin, he didnt watch idly by and say its not his prob. I pray if ever put in a situation or call to duty I will have the strength to stand like this guy. I dont know his name but I am sending out thanks to him for helping to restore a tiny amount of faith in humanity.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Mostly for my kids but for all to see and to remind that history repeats itself!
I often times will use the term "standing in the breadlines" to try and paint a picture to my children of what can happen to this nation if we don't stand up for her. I'm not really sure they understand what that means. I am a firm believer that you HAVE to educate yourself in not only the fun stuff like underwater basket weaving etc...but you have to know what BAD looks like to motivate yourself. We (being my generation and newer) haven't ever really "seen" anything bad happen to us.
No Vietnam, no WW I/II, no depression. We've seen Wall St. excess, smart bombs on CNN, the growth of big brother, GenX, and the ME generation. We have NO idea what poor is.
Here is to hoping that these visions spark some motivation!
See many more of them here.
I often times will use the term "standing in the breadlines" to try and paint a picture to my children of what can happen to this nation if we don't stand up for her. I'm not really sure they understand what that means. I am a firm believer that you HAVE to educate yourself in not only the fun stuff like underwater basket weaving etc...but you have to know what BAD looks like to motivate yourself. We (being my generation and newer) haven't ever really "seen" anything bad happen to us.
No Vietnam, no WW I/II, no depression. We've seen Wall St. excess, smart bombs on CNN, the growth of big brother, GenX, and the ME generation. We have NO idea what poor is.
Here is to hoping that these visions spark some motivation!
See many more of them here.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
If you do nothing else today READ THIS!!!!!
Good Morning,
Move about your day, enjoy your freedom to mow your yard or have a BBQ or bounce your kids on your knee. Keep in mind those freedoms are being perverted and you should be wary. These very freedoms we hold so dear (or should) are becoming just a fleeting glimpse of our former republic.
Security vs. Freedom
Move about your day, enjoy your freedom to mow your yard or have a BBQ or bounce your kids on your knee. Keep in mind those freedoms are being perverted and you should be wary. These very freedoms we hold so dear (or should) are becoming just a fleeting glimpse of our former republic.
Security vs. Freedom
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
A historical perspective on the Zimmerman case
great read here, and i am in 100% agreement.
Breitbart link
Breitbart link
How many Americans remember learning about the Boston Massacre when they were schoolchildren? I wonder: does anyone truly understand why we are required to learn about incidents like this in our school’s curriculum?
In the aftermath of the Boston Massacre, John Adams agreed to represent the British soldiers who were forced to defend themselves against an unruly mob. That was not a popular position to take; yet John Adams was not one who would concern himself with such things. He took on the challenge because of his understanding of and respect for the law.
Below is an excerpt from John Adams’ speech at the Boston Massacre Trial:
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence: nor is the law less stable than the fact; if an assault was made to endanger their lives, the law is clear, they had a right to kill in their own defence; if it was not so severe as to endanger their lives, yet if they were assaulted at all, struck and abused by blows of any sort, by snow-balls, oyster-shells, cinders, clubs, or sticks of any kind; this was a provocation, for which the law reduces the offence of killing, down to manslaughter, in consideration of those passions in our nature, which cannot be eradicated.
As explained in John Adams and the Massachusetts Constitution, Adams contended:
Because the evidence was unclear as to which soldiers had fired, it was better for the jury to acquit all eight defendants than mistakenly to convict one innocent man. "The reason is, because it's of more importance to community, that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt should be punished." He believed that the soldiers had a right to a fair trial.
John Adams won the acquittal of six British soldiers and two defendants received convictions for the lesser charge of manslaughter, for their role in the deaths of five colonists.
Few people understand the legal origins from which our rule of law is derived, beginning with the Magna Carta, which established the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above the law. Nor are people cognizant of the subsequent history and philosophy influencing the framers of the U.S. and many state constitutions.
Sadly, this lack of understanding is what allows so many people to disregard system a system of justice intended to be impartial and to afford each citizen equal protection under the law. It is this disregard which propels mobs to demand social justice and influences politicians to entertain the passion of the people. The founders and framers were afraid of mob rule. They understood that emotion impairs judgment. As John Adams so eloquently explained during the trial:
The law, in all vicissitudes of government, fluctuations of the passions, or flights of enthusiasm, will preserve a steady undeviating course; it will not bend to the uncertain wishes, imaginations, and wanton tempers of men.
Whether or not "Stand Your Ground" laws should be repealed is up to the legislating bodies in charge of implementing and repealing legislation in their consecutive states. Perhaps Stand Your Ground violates a historic perspective on manslaughter, perhaps not. But historical precedent does constrain our ruling bodies from double jeopardy, or from holding a person accountable for violating a law which did not exist at the time it was broken.
The study of our state and U.S. constitutions does not receive nearly enough attention in our nation’s schools. While reading, writing, and arithmetic are critical to an educated citizenry, understanding how our rule of law is designed to limit government and maximize freedom is critical to the liberties for which our forebears fought so hard.
To allow a witch-hunt of recently acquitted George Zimmerman in order to prosecute him a second time for his role in Trayvon Martin’s death would be a travesty and antithetical to our system of justice.
We live in a constitutional Republic. The founders and framers understood that we needed written law under which everyone is treated equally. They also recognized that a representative government in which there was a people’s house and a senate, as well as a judiciary that practiced good behavior, would constrain the passions of the mob and allow those holding office to impassively legislate, enforce, or adjudicate. Allowing the media and special interest groups to demand the government take additional legal action against George Zimmerman establishes very dangerous precedent.
The people and their representatives need to rethink this course of action before we irrevocably damage the rule of law under which we are afforded our equal protection and under which our rights are guaranteed.
This jack-boot licking, human shield, mouthpiece Jay Carney drives me absolutely NUTS!!!
Minister of Propoganda the dutiful Comrade Jay Carney!!
Minister of Propoganda the dutiful Comrade Jay Carney!!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Babyzilla bugging out
I think Babyzilla is going to need to have one of these!!! I shall start work on it post haste and suggest you do the same!!
Bugging out with babies!!
Bugging out with babies!!
Monday, July 22, 2013
What is that saying again??
Oh yeah, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This is not the first time i've had my own eyes opened to the communist doctrine that has been discussed for years. Who would have thought the communists would play opossum for so long to accomplish their goals, handed down generation to generation. Americans ARE gullible see the quote below beautifully illustrates my points above. Kruschev had balls enough to say it to our face over 40 years ago!
Ezra Taft Benson, Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture, the first man the US Press predicted to be outed from the administration given his staunch anti-communist and severe anti-socialist policies stated the agenda of what he called the "socialist-communist conspiracy:"
“I have talked face to face with the godless communist leaders. It may surprise you to learn that I was host to Mr. Kruschev for a half day when he visited the United States, not that I’m proud of it. I opposed his coming then, and I still feel it was a mistake to welcome this atheistic murderer as a state visitor. But, according to President Eisenhower, Kruschev had expressed a desire to learn something of American Agriculture — and after seeing Russian agriculture I can understand why. As we talked face to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren will live under freedom he arrogantly declaired in substance:
“ ‘You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.’
“And they’re ahead of schedule in their devilish scheme.” (Ezra Taft Benson “Our Immediate Responsibility.” Devotional Address at Brigham Young University. circa 1968.”)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Allen West the voice of reason?
The more I hear this guy speak out the more I like him and his opinions. The direct quote below, just absolutely makes sense in which he references the fact that he hasn't really experienced the racism the president speaks of. In his words that hasn't happened to him because he had good parents who taught him to be a respectful young man.
Allen West racism quote
Allen West's website
Allen West racism quote
Allen West's website
Saturday, July 20, 2013
not much new
just enveloped with all the same re-hashing. However I would caution as always to pay attention to what might be going on behind the scenes.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
In the land of the blind
An old proverb says that in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Stop suckling the teat of tyranny and stand up! Get out of your shell, get out of your bubble, get out of your box and start thinking for yourselves! Stop swallowing the swill that is fed to you in the media. Is all truly as it seems, look up from your smartphone and do the math 2+2=4 that is irrefutable if you dont think anything is wrong with what is going on in this country, in this government then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!
A bit about the title of this blog...
While searching for a bit of inspiration today I saw a quote from Thomas Paine (below) and thought it summed of perfectly why I consider myself to be a sheepdog. Which then led me to feeling like I should let everyone in on why my blog is titled "Rantings of a Sheepdog" and why it has become a cathartic place for me to speak freely without out fear of retribution and at the same time lord willing educate folks. Thomas Paine's quote really sums up why I feel it necessary to be a "prepper" and why I feel it necessary to speak out and to inform folks.
Why a sheepdog? For those not in the know I'll explain the sheepdog reference. It is a bit akin to the Matrix red pill vs. blue pill moral conundrum. Would you rather have the truth and suffer its pains? Or continue on with the lies for the sake of blissful ignorance. I don't honestly know which is better. However, once you've taken the blue pill there is no going back. You cant just choose to no longer see the truth, once you've seen it you can't un-see it. I feel it is my moral, patriotic, and ethical duty to be a "sheepdog".
Why a sheepdog? For those not in the know I'll explain the sheepdog reference.
This will be long
The analogy comes from retired Army Lt. Col. and author Dave Grossman. See excerpt below:
Why a sheepdog? For those not in the know I'll explain the sheepdog reference. It is a bit akin to the Matrix red pill vs. blue pill moral conundrum. Would you rather have the truth and suffer its pains? Or continue on with the lies for the sake of blissful ignorance. I don't honestly know which is better. However, once you've taken the blue pill there is no going back. You cant just choose to no longer see the truth, once you've seen it you can't un-see it. I feel it is my moral, patriotic, and ethical duty to be a "sheepdog".
Why a sheepdog? For those not in the know I'll explain the sheepdog reference.
This will be long
The analogy comes from retired Army Lt. Col. and author Dave Grossman. See excerpt below:
You can also check out another inspiration for mindset here: Nut'n'Fancy blogAccording to Grossman, the human population can be divided into three groups: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs.SheepMost people are sheep. Grossman isn’t using the term pejoratively, he’s simply referring to the fact that most human beings are kind, gentle, and peaceful. The conflicts and ethical dilemmas they’re regularly faced with rarely rise to the level of life and death, good versus evil. For the most part people deal with challenges that are more annoyances than true crises. And when faced with conflict, they generally try to do the right thing, avoid making waves, and demonstrate pro-social behavior.While most people are kind and good, they simply don’t know how to deal with evil and dangerous people because for the most part they don’t encounter and interact with evil and dangerous people in their day-to-day lives. Like sheep, they largely move about with those who are like them and do as others do. They are content to subsist in a predictable and routine sphere. As they live and graze, they cannot envision anything disrupting their peace or routine, and imagine that each day will proceed like the last. And just like sheep, most people depend on somebody else to protect and take care of them and keep this relatively placid world around them going smoothly, be it the police, military, or some administrative agency.WolvesWolves are bad guys. They exist in the shadows outside the porous perimeter of safety that surrounds the sheep. Wolves are the sociopaths who commit violent crimes or ignore moral or ethical boundaries with impunity. They take advantage of the sheep’s tendency to be inexperienced with evil, unprepared for attack, and caught flat-footed when a crisis arises. This allows these evil men to, as Grossman puts it, “feed on the [sheep] without mercy.”According to Grossman, a minutely small percentage of the population can be described as true “wolves.” He puts the number at around 1%.SheepdogsSheepdogs are society’s protectors. Grossman himself doesn’t flesh this out (or the other categories) all that deeply, but in reading up on the role of “livestock guardian dogs,” I found an uncannily good description of human sheepdogs.While both herding dogs and livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) are known as sheepdogs, their roles are quite different. The former bark at, nip, and stare down animals to keep them together and moving in a certain way. Livestock guardian dogs, on the other hand, live with their flock of animals full-time, allowing them to blend in and watch for intruders within the herd. LGDs are placed in the flock as puppies so that they “imprint” on the animals they will be tasked with caring for and protecting. Strongly bonded to them, the LGD will perceive other species as predators and protect those it knows from these potentially hostile outsiders.Large and protective, the mere presence of a LGD in a herd can deter would-be predators, and those that dare to venture closer often turn tail when the dog simply demonstrates its aggression through barking and intimidation. According to Wikipedia: “LGDs seldom kill predators; instead, their aggressive behaviors tend to condition predators to seek unguarded (thus, non-farm animal) prey. For instance, in Italy’s Gran Sasso National Park, where LGDs and wolves have coexisted for centuries, older, more experienced wolves seem to ‘know’ the LGDs and leave their flocks alone.”If a predator is not dissuaded by the presence of a LGD, it is ready and willing to attack and fight the predator to the death. And the LGD does not simply wait for a predator to attempt to infiltrate the flock – it also actively patrols its territory, seeking out predators and even luring them in to hunt them. Yet despite their fierceness, LGDs make loyal, gentle companions, and are especially protective of children.According to Wikipedia, “The three qualities most sought after in LGDs are trustworthiness, attentiveness, and protectiveness—trustworthy in that they do not roam off and are not aggressive with the livestock, attentive in that they are situationally aware of threats by predators, and protective in that they will attempt to drive off predators.” What’s really interesting is the different roles these social creatures can play according to their differing personalities:“Most [stick] close to the livestock, others tending to follow the shepherd or rancher when one is present, and some drifting farther from the livestock. These differing roles are often complementary in terms of protecting livestock, and experienced ranchers and shepherds sometimes encourage these differences by adjustments in socialization technique so as to increase the effectiveness of their group of dogs in meeting specific predator threats. LGDs that follow the livestock closest assure that a guard dog is on hand if a predator attacks, while LGDs that patrol at the edges of a flock or herd are in a position to keep would-be attackers at a safe distance from livestock. Those dogs that are more attentive tend to alert those that are more passive but perhaps also more trustworthy or less aggressive with the livestock.”The role of human “sheepdogs” is almost exactly that of their canine counterparts. Like actual sheepdogs, they live among the flock – one of them, and yet different and set apart. They protect the perimeter and vigilantly watch for evil “wolves.” Their mere presence can keep bad men turning on each other instead of on law-abiding citizens, but if they do attack, human sheepdogs are alert and ready to be aggressive. They are prepared to make a stand against those who would do others harm, but outside of times of crisis, they are gentle and trustworthy. Grossman describes human sheepdogs as individuals who have a capacity for violence but also a moral compass and a “deep love for [their] fellow citizens.” Their hardihood and bravery gives them the ability to “walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.”Sheep find sheepdogs annoying when things are fine. For example, most people grumble about the police when they get a ticket for a minor traffic violation. But when a wolf shows up, and the police catch him, the complaining stops and people turn out to line the streets, cheer them on, and shower them with gratitude.As with wolves, sheepdogs make up a very small percentage of the population. Grossman guesses this elite group represents just 1% of people.The Sheep/Sheepdog Continuum
Grossman argues that “the business of being a sheep or sheepdog is not a yes-no dichotomy.” Rather it’s a continuum. Some folks live at the extreme ends of the spectrum and are completely passive sheep or hardened ultimate warriors. Most people, however, fall somewhere in between.Your “sheepness” or “sheepdogness” can change depending on context, too. I’ve known men who act like fierce sheepdogs in one situation, but have the passivity of lambs in another.Sheepdogs are Made, Not Born
Being a sheepdog isn’t a matter of birth; it’s a choice – a matter of mental and physical training. In fact, as we’ll see in our next post, we’re hardwired psychologically and sociologically for sheepness. In order to become a sheepdog, you have to consciously decide to do so and then slowly upgrade your mental, physical, and emotional hardware from Sheep 1.0 to Sheepdog 2.0.Moral and Ethical Sheepdogs
As I said at the outset, I’ve been thinking about this sheep/sheepdog/wolf paradigm for awhile now. The concept has been a driving force in my desire to learn both armed and unarmed self-defense. I don’t want to be a sheep. I want to be a sheepdog and have the capacity to protect my family and loved ones from the wolves that might be out there.While Grossman uses his sheep/sheepdog/wolf analogy to explain violent confrontations, I think it’s just as applicable to moral and ethical confrontations that we face at work and in our communities as well. One of my favorite shows to watch is American Greed on CNBC. Ever since I learned about Grossman’s analogy, I can’t help but see it play out on the show. There’s typically some guy who’s the wolf that takes advantage of innocent folks — the sheep — by scamming them out of their money. The scam goes on for years because no one does anything to end it, even when they notice something isn’t right. It isn’t until one brave person — the sheepdog — takes action that the bad guy is brought to justice.And of course we see the same dynamic play out in larger “scams” – the recent banking and housing crisis, for example, was precipitated by tons of underhanded behavior that was witnessed by thousands, and yet only called out by a rare few.Becoming a Sheepdog
While those who make the military, police work, or emergency response their career have a professional responsibility to be sheepdogs, all men should strive to be more on the sheepdog than the sheep side of the spectrum. The world needs men who are willing to face danger and stand up to dishonesty to save others and preserve the fabric of their communities.This story comes from
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Uncle Ted
The Zimmerman case through the eyes of Uncle Tedley VonNugenburger. Whichever side you're on Ted Nugent makes sense here.
Ted Nugent take on Zimmerman case
Ted Nugent take on Zimmerman case
Dear NSA and Obamanation:
First let me apologize for AT&T dropping the call you were so interested in, you know real tin-foil hat/black helicopter stuff. I wouldn't dream of not sharing my thoughts and opinions with you. Please feel free to peruse my blog for all my thoughts and frustrations in the future so that we might avoid being interrupted by dropped calls and the such.
Thanks and CYA soon!
Thanks and CYA soon!
Not just MY children should be looking at this. It illustrates just how out of touch people are, pay particular attention to the fact that even McDonalds knows you'd have to work at least TWO minimum wage jobs to even have a hope of coming close to making a living and even that (as shown below) doesnt add up.
Is a depression in this country really a tin-foil hat conspiracy theory?? Call me crazy all you like, but folks I am here to tell you I HAVE LIVED THIS LIFE. The "American Dream" is fading ever further into obscurity think about it, open up your eyes, stand up and for the love of Pete EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!
Not just MY children should be looking at this. It illustrates just how out of touch people are, pay particular attention to the fact that even McDonalds knows you'd have to work at least TWO minimum wage jobs to even have a hope of coming close to making a living and even that (as shown below) doesnt add up.
Is a depression in this country really a tin-foil hat conspiracy theory?? Call me crazy all you like, but folks I am here to tell you I HAVE LIVED THIS LIFE. The "American Dream" is fading ever further into obscurity think about it, open up your eyes, stand up and for the love of Pete EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Slight of hand.....
What is happening while we're all distracted with predicted race riots/war in America?
think about it....
think about it....
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Group Therapy
25 yds Iron Sights
Monday, July 8, 2013
Executive Order!
Still think this POTUS cant get anything accomplished without Congress??
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Back at it....
Hope everyone had a great independence day and took all of the reverie with a touch of reverence as we did, much to my kids chagrin they had to deal with my stories and lectures about the 4th of July not being national fireworks day.
That all being said I read today another front wherein my gubment is likely categorizing me as some sort or militant or dissident or outright terrorist.
**As always the source being and Alex Jones, your mileage may vary.**
That all being said I read today another front wherein my gubment is likely categorizing me as some sort or militant or dissident or outright terrorist.
**As always the source being and Alex Jones, your mileage may vary.**
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Anonymous - Message to the American People
from 2011 strange how much of it seems to have come to pass.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Who amongst you will stand?
Someone asked me that very question, if a "revolution" is called for who is going to stand up and lead? is it you?
Do we need more guys like this?
Do we need more guys like this?
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Saw this one today and of course reminded me obviously of the quote from Martin Niemoller. How does it make you feel, I personally feel it is similar to the quote from Mark Twain in the previous post. In my heart it speaks very much to our duty to stand up and do something to defend a way of life we believe in. You can see from other posts it strikes a chord within me. We cant just sit back and rest on our laurels, and frankly its not even our laurels as our commander in chief said "You didnt build this!" and its true. We sit back and enjoy (and also forget) the freedoms that our ancestors scrapped and fought and some gave their lives so that we their descendants might enjoy a better life than theirs. Aren't we now doing them ALL the greatest of disservices by now taking those freedoms for granted and worse still allowing them to be slowly stripped away one spoonful at a time.
"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."
there was no one left to speak out."
-Martin Niemoller
Monday, June 24, 2013
Tonight's thought
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for them it costs nothing to be a patriot."
-Mark Twain
Another grain of salt
The question ALWAYS seems to pop up if SHTF when would you know about it?
There is an interesting 4 part series (part one is linked below) on interesting read for sure.
An interesting read on developments leading to something big
Everything I post is to be read with a grain of salt and not meant to preach but to make you use your own spidey-sense to weed out the good from the bad. You should however try to take something valuable out of other peoples opinions and research to help fill in the puzzle pieces in your head.
DHS leak (supposedly) but stuff in here makes sense.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I really REALLY hope this turns out to be BS and tin foil hat fodder. However are we naive enough to believe it isnt possible?
Infowars article about the death of Michael Hastings
Infowars article about the death of Michael Hastings
did anyone watch the IRS rally today?
what do you think of Glenn Beck? I thought he couldnt talk or what was that whole thing about.
Glenn Beck at the IRS rally
what do you think of Glenn Beck? I thought he couldnt talk or what was that whole thing about.
Glenn Beck at the IRS rally
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Death to my FB declarations!
In that spirit i'd like to bring over my final political post from there and start it out here with a bang.
I am not ashamed to admit I sat in my cube at work and watched this video and it made me tear up, my heart swelled with pride and patriotism all the while my brain ached with confusion as to how we've gotten here and more so what in blazes do we do about it?
This woman to me embodies the spirit of an American (at least in this clip) but why has that spirit been lost? Is it too late to do anything about it?
Fire Away Folks!
In that spirit i'd like to bring over my final political post from there and start it out here with a bang.
I am not ashamed to admit I sat in my cube at work and watched this video and it made me tear up, my heart swelled with pride and patriotism all the while my brain ached with confusion as to how we've gotten here and more so what in blazes do we do about it?
This woman to me embodies the spirit of an American (at least in this clip) but why has that spirit been lost? Is it too late to do anything about it?
Fire Away Folks!
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